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Versão em inglês

Última atualização em Quarta, 29 de Dezembro de 2021, 12h37

Maracanã campus (headquarter) presentation

Maracanã campus (headquarter) gathers Cefet/RJ historical trajectory, which has began in 1917, as the Arts and Crafts Normal School of the Federal District (EAO – Wenceslau Braz), later called National Technical School (ETN). In 1942, the institution became a reference in the federal network of industrial education, and, in 1978, saw its transformation from Federal Technical School (ETF) to...

Registrado em: Versão em inglês

Última atualização em 06/03/2018, 16h22

  • publicado
  • 25/01/18
  • 03h41

Cefet/RJ President

Carlos Henrique Figueiredo Alves has been in charge of Cefet/RJ since 2011 and is now in his second mandate (2015-2019). Previously, he has been deputy director (2007-2011). He is a Full...

  • não publicado
  • 25/01/18
  • 03h40

Cefet/RJ Campaign

Cefet/RJ Campaign is designed to embrace the future and to ensure Cefet/RJ’s leadership as it approaches its first century of education and inquiry in the pursuit of becoming Rio de...

  • não publicado
  • 25/01/18
  • 03h34

Cefet/RJ Shared Values

Commitment and responsibility/ search for excellence;  Respect (Human Rights and Diversity);  Governance and transparency  Innovation;  Environmental...

  • não publicado
  • 25/01/18
  • 03h38

Mission Statement

The mission of Cefet/RJ is to promote education through teaching, research and extension activities providing, in a reflexive and critical way, integral training (humanistic, scientific...

  • não publicado
  • 25/01/18
  • 03h30

Mais artigos...

  1. Introduction
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